Friday 10 July 2009

Treasures in heaven

As I was walking past a very large, very smart house this afternoon, the bins were being brought in past two very expensive cars. Nothing remarkable in that, except that at this house, the maid or au pair brings them in. And there's not just one, or even two, but three rubbish bins.

And just as I was becoming envious ("They must buy so much to be able to throw away 3 bin fulls... I bet they can afford Sky Sports..."), I realised how foolish I was - the owners of that house will only enjoy those wonderful possessions for a few more years - 40 at most. But in the new heavens and the new earth, all of the very best things will be ours to enjoy forever - not just for a few short years. And I began to ponder the new creation. We'll enjoy the very best food and wine; we'll walk through a perfect city without litter or pollution, without sore feet or painful necks (I shouldn't have hit so many golf balls so hard - but it's fun!). Most of all, we'll enjoy simply being with Jesus and marvelling at his glory. "Come, Lord Jesus!"

Again, Tim Chester has some great things to say on this topic. I'll bulk buy some when I'm back, and get everyone reading it!

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