Friday 23 October 2009


It's been a week of extremes:
  • We're in the worst recession since the war, but bankers pay themselves £6bn of tax-payers' money in bonuses.
  • Ed Tomlinson's (I can't call him 'Father') writes about modern funerals on his blog and it's reported on the World Service and the national press (I'd better be careful what I say!).
  • Nick Griffin appears on Newsnight and people break in to the BBC to protests against him (fortunately he came across about as badly as he could have done - and is now complaining to the BBC - apparently it's all their fault!!).
  • Royal Mail managers want modernisation and the postal workers go on strike in the run-up to Christmas.

What a messed-up world we live in!

Thank God we have the Bible to explain this crazy, wicked, mad, mad, mad, mad world. And thank God for his solution to such greed, selfishness, godlessness, racism and conflict - by which I mean the gospel and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

If I had to live without these, I don't know how I'd cope. How does the world make any sense at all to a godless person? Surely the only escape is to pursue money and pleasure. And that's what everyone does. And the vicious circle goes round again...

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