Saturday 19 December 2009

Do they really believe in climate change?

Climate change. The new orthodoxy. Fail to believe and you're damned as a heretic - not yet burned at the stake (using sustainable energy!), but certainly the modern equivalent: the BBC will ensure that you're ridiculed and the PM will publicly condemn you as a 'flat earther.'

So fervent are these believers in climate change that 15000 of them went to Copenhagen to forge a legally binding treaty which would limit global warming to 2 degrees.

And they believed their message so wholeheartetdly that 120 of the 193 countries went home before an agreement could be reached. And then 5 countries agreed a statement that, "deep cuts in emissions are required". So, that'll sort it out then, won't it?! They can all get back on their planes and fly home...

If we Christians really believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour, that his glory matters above all else, that salvation is found in no-one else, that those who reject him are heading for 'weeping and gnashing of teeth', then what will we do about it?

Try not to kick the cat? Join the church cleaning rota? Be nice to the man who parks across the drive in the hope that he'll ask about the 'reason for the hope that is in you?' Give £5 to the missionary gift day appeal?

Surely if we really believe that Jesus is Lord and Saviour, we will be giving all we can - time, money, skills, energy. We need Christians who will put the Climate Change believers to shame and put their money where their mouth is!

(PS I'm actually a climate change agnostic: I'm not sure if it's caused by man or a natural cycle.)

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