Monday 18 January 2010

Too hot to handle?

The earthquake in Haiti throws up the question of why, if God is both good and all-powerful, he should allow such suffering. Archbishop John Sentamu was interviewed about this on the Today programme (R4) earlier this week, but what he said was pretty incomprehensible - as the interviewer, John Humphrys, noted.
Unfortunately, American 'televangelist' Pat Robertson could be understood when he said the earthquake was judgement from God on the Haitians for 'making a pact with the devil'.
Meanwhile, the only comfort atheist geologists could give was to say it was just an accident waiting to happen.

So we need some sensible, comprehensible and helpful answers. To do this, Christians will turn to the Bible, and especially to what Jesus has to say. But can we trust the New Testament? And if we speak of life after death for the Haitians or anyone else, on what basis do we do so?

These questions will be dealt with at our Sunday evening services in the coming months. On March 1, we'll be asking the question, 'Haiti: Where was God?', on April 4, we'll be thinking about life after death, and on May 2 Dr Peter Head will be answering the question, 'Can we trust the New Testament?'

Put the dates in your diary and think about who you could ask along.

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