Friday 13 July 2012


Whether or not you agree with the consecration of women as bishops in the C of E, surely any right-minded, tolerant person would want to provide for those who do not agree with this innovation. The following are just some of the reasons for providing alternative episcopal oversight for those who hold that headship in the church should be male:
  1. It is taught in the Bible. You may think that this no longer applies, but you have to admit that this is the teaching of Paul (e.g. 1 Cor 11:2; 1 Tim 2:11-15), that submission was a quality of the Son of God and that the Father directs the Son (e.g. John 8:42; 12:49f; 14:31; 15:10; Mt 26:36-46). It is this submission of the Son to the Father which is mirrored in human relationships. Therefore, those who hold to make headship do not demean or disctiminate against women, but desire to uphold a testimony to the Trinity.
  2. Those who are now ordained, were ordained into a church that did not consecrate women as bishops. They should at least be allowed to continue in that integrity.
  3. Those who have been installed in a parish and swore the oath of allegiance did so on the understanding that the succession of bishops would be male. 
  4. Those who want to change the system agreed, when they were ordained, to be ministers in a church which did not consecrate women. They knew the score and could have chosen to be ministers in a church in which women were given positions of headship (e.g. the Methodist church).
  5. Does not the tolerance which these people so espouse mean that they themselves should be tolerant of those who disagree with this innovation. 
  6. It is an innovation. This is new. The proponents could be wrong. Do they not have the humility to admit that?
In light of all this, please consider signing the petition to retain "Clause 5 (1) c". You can find the petition and an explanation of it here:

If you want a detailed explanation go to John Richardson's blog

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