Tuesday 4 August 2009


In the parable of the talents (Matt 25) a master, who is going away for a time, entrusts his 'talents' (i.e. money, v18) to three slaves; 5 talents to one, 2 to another and 1 to the final slave. The first two slaves put the money to work (we're not told how) and make 100% return (what wouldn't people give for that today?!!). The slave who had one talent did what was accepted practice in those days, and hid it - buried it. It was safe. Nothing wrong with that, Jesus' hearers would think.

But as ever, Jesus shocks them. He is a wicked and lazy slave. His excuse, that his master was harsh, is no excuse at all. He will be punished for his wickedness.

Now it's that last part - that the slave is punished for fearing his master - that so hard to understand. But the slave's excuse is just that - an excuse. The the other slaves, who have the same master, found ways of putting the talents to work - and they risked more than the final slave! And in any case, as Jesus says, the money could always have been deposited safely in the bank and earned interest without taking a risk(!) (Jews were not allowed to charge fellow Jews interest, but were allowed to charge Gentiles).

So you need to read between the lines a little with this parable to see why Jesus' verdict on the man is not harsh, but just. The slave was making excuses for his laziness. He buried what his master had entrusted to him, and got on with his own life, ignoring his master's wishes. And the final judgement is the final judgement. The first two slaves 'enter into their master's joy', while the final slave is 'cast out into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth'.

What are you doing with what God has entrusted to you?


  1. Marjorie Staveley5 August 2009 at 13:08

    Mike - still working at finding out what is entrusted to me.

  2. Marjorie
    I think it is the knowledge of his son and our saviour Jesus and the sacrifice he made to secure us our place in his kingdom which we should use to profit those God sends our way by telling them (if they don't already know) - I could of course be wrong but no doubt someone will tell me if I am.

    Fiona G


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