Tuesday 5 October 2010

Can God be God and humans have free will?

If every one of the billions of people on earth are completely free to do whatever they like, how can God ever get anything done? How can his plans ever be fulfilled by people who make their own plans independent of God?
But then, if God has one plan, how can he achieve it without forcing his will on unwilling people? If he does that, do we really have free will?

These are important questions, and a day of lectures on 23 October will explore them (and others e.g. does prayer affect God's will?). The lectures will be given by Mike Ovey, Principal of Oak Hill Theological College, and take place at Tyndale House in Cambridge.

The day is aimed at thinking Christians - it will, no doubt, take a degree of concentration, but is designed for those who haven't done any formal theological training. A few of us from St Peter's hope to go, so why not join us?

More info on the Tyndale House website

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