Tuesday 2 November 2010

What do you do all day?

I'm often asked what I actually do. So I thought I'd try to blog daily and illustrate a typical week.

As usual I'm in my study at about 8am, and begin the day by reading the Bible and praying.
9am: Visit from a parent wanting me to sign secondary school application forms.
9.15: Emails to look at and write. Topics included evangelism training, finance, Bishop's installation, PI Board matters, thanks to the visiting preacher etc.
10:  Began to look at some themes in Proverbs - we'll be studying this on Tuesdays & Sunday evenings this term, and I'm preaching on it this Sunday evening.
12.00 Help Sarah clear blocked drain in driveway!
12.30 lunch
1.00 Prepare for Standing & Finance Committee meeting & prepare school assembly. Continue Proverbs.
3.30 Funeral visit in Bells Yew Green
4.30 Open the post and read a couple of chapters of John Piper's new book, 'Think'.
5.30-7.45 Family time
7.45 S&FC meeting (finished about 10.15pm).

8.15 Usual start - quiet time & emails
9.30 Meeting with church administrator. 
10.45 Prepare order of service (this always takes much longer than I want it to!); continue to write Update newsletter; reply to emails.
2.00 Meeting with Archdeacon about church building.
3.30 Write up minutes of S&FC meeting & meeting with Archdeacon; finish preparing assembly; phone call with Director of PI(UK).
5.15 Family time.
7.30 - 9.30 SPA Bible study

8.15 Quiet time.
8.45 Assembly. Introduce CrossTeach worker to children, staff & headteacher and show her round the church etc.
10.00 Prepare evening order of service. Write feedback for last Sunday's visiting preacher. Emails, phone calls.
1.00 - 4.00 Write sermon for Sunday evening & prepare for Simply Christianity course starting this evening.
4-5.00  Reading.
8.00-9.30  Simply Christianity

I can write this ahead of time because it's my day off!

8.15 QT
Rest of the day: Wrote 'Update' newsletter for church family. Mission week arrangements with Jennie D. Various phone calls. Admin - expenses claims etc. Visited Peggy. Lots of emails. Prepared funeral. More phone calls. A 'bitty' day.

8.00 QT.
8.45-10.15 Started order of service for next Sunday, cleared up study. Prep for PI Board meeting. Started work on article for parish newsletter. Dealt with a confidential matter.
10.15am-4pm Time off for a family get together at my parents.
6-9pm Church member's birthday celebration.

Of course this is the only day I really do any work!
8.00 QT, then prep. for leading service.
9.30-12.30 at church
5.30-8 at church - preaching & leading.

So there's a fairly typical week - if there is such a thing. Next week will be the same but different - the same preparation for sermons, services & Bible studies & a funeral visit. But there'll also be a funeral service, SPY club night & a church cleaning/DIY day.
Coming up the week after is all the usual stuff plus a school governors' meeting, a meeting about provision for those not in favour of women bishops, nursing home communions, chapter meeting and a preachers' group.

So that's what I do all week. If you take the short term view, it's not very exciting at all, but over the long term, it's great to see people who have come to faith maturing, growing and enjoying Christ. Nothing compares to that!

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