Wednesday 17 November 2010

The wisdom of paper aeroplanes

We had a good evening studying Proverbs 1:7 at CY on Sunday (CY is our 14-18 group), and it begin by making paper aeroplanes and flying them from the balcony in the church building.
And what, exactly, has that got to do with Proverbs 1:7?, I hear you ask.
Well, everyone had a choice - they could either make the planes from their own imagination or they could use some instructions I'd printed off. Some followed instructions very carefully and patiently. Others began to follow, then gave up. Some didn't bother with them at all, and had finished 2 or 3 before others had finished one.
All of which simply goes to illustrate our attitudes towards areas of life. Some of us are conscientious and persist. Others are careless and always looking for the next thing. Proverbs 1:7 is about our attitude to God:
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, 
but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Knowing God begins with fearing God. To fear God is to be humble before him, recognising that he is the creator and we his creatures. He is the Almighty King and we his lowly subjects. He is the teacher, we are the pupils.

But fools cannot and will not accept this. They think they can know God without revelation. They dream up the god they want in their imaginations. But that god is no god at all - it's but a dream. They reject instruction because they want independence from a god who can tell them what is right and what is wrong, who He is and who we are. But these fools become slaves to current opinion. What's right and what's wrong in society today is decided by the elite in the media, politics and advertising as they dictate what we should think, believe, buy and vote for. Blind fools indeed.

1 comment:

  1. A fool (aka Marjorie S)19 November 2010 at 13:17

    Ref: most of last paragraph.

    Works for some us, mate. Don't knock it!

    Better believe summat, rather than nowt!


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