Saturday 18 December 2010

Don Carson's introduction to Christianity

Being a snowy Saturday afternoon, I got out my exercise bike and peddled nowhere while watching part two of  Don Carson's brilliant introduction to Christianity and the Bible.
I posted a link to part one some days ago, and I know some of you watched it. It really is a brilliant series. It's long (each lecture is an hour) and at times demands careful listening and thought. But it really will pay dividends - this is Carson at his intelligent, passionate, engaging best.
If you're not a Christian, then it sets out the overview ofthe Christian message. If you are a Christian, some of it will be familiar to you (though Carson will say it in a way you hadn't thought of before), and some of it will be new to you. It will strengthen your faith, deeped your understanding of the Bible, enable you to speak about your faith with more confidence etc. etc. 
So, having now watched both parts one and two (of 14!) can I encourage you to listen in? What a great way to spend some free time over Christmas. If you're commuting or travelling any distance in this snowy weather, make sure you have several hours' worth with you, then if you get stuck for 5 hours, the time will fly by and you won't waste a moment!

You can watch the videos or listen tot he audio here:

Of course you can download both audio & video (though the video takes a while).

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