Tuesday 22 February 2011

How to read the Old Testament

I've met many Christians who wouldn't dream of obeying some of the OT laws - whether about sacrifices, clothing, food or roof construction. But they're absolutely certain that the 10 commandments should be obeyed literally - including the Sabbath (except that the Sabbath is now Sunday, and they don't work 6 days, and they're not too keen about being put to death if they have to pop down the shops for some milk!)
More seriously, it's a real issue for those who say homosexual practise is now OK because we don't obey laws like not eating shellfish (they always quote that), and therefore we don't have to obey the OT laws about sexual behaviour. (Of course they carefully ignore what the NT says, but that's another story).
So how should we read the OT?
Read this and find out: http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2011/02/22/preaching-the-gospel-from-the-law-of-moses/?comments#comments

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