Sunday 20 February 2011

Mission week

Over 50 people attended evangelistic lunches & suppers and heard Hayley, Phil, Simon and Paul testify to Jesus and then field loads of questions. Hosts did a fabulous job, and perhaps will be emboldened to do the same again... maybe others will be encouraged to have a go...
About 65 came to the quiz night and heard Simon's talk about the evidence for Jesus' death and resurrection. A good number then quizzed Simon further about what he'd said.
Children & teenagers at 4 local schools heard presentations about Christianity and engaged in discussions and games; they went to a disco and a dinner with a speaker.
Not too many guests at the service today, but a powerful testimony & sermon on the need to ask, seek and knock on God's door so that he'll give the Holy Spirit.
Great collaboration between St Peter's, CrossTeach and the Cornhill Training Course.

All in all a very good week, and it's only now that I realise that all week I've been really anxious about the events - that people would turn up, that speakers wouldn't embarrass guests, that Christ would be honoured. I needn't have worried. Everyone did brilliantly. Thank you to everyone who took part.

Now we need to pray that God will be at work by his Spirit and that people will come to the next Simply Christianity course...

1 comment:

  1. Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

    Mike, Thank you for all your encouragement throughout the administration of the Mission Week.


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