Tuesday 1 March 2011

Rights and beliefs

So, all mainstream Christians are now banned from adopting or fostering children in the UK. What a sad day for abandoned children.
And what worrying days for our nation.
The secularists are constantly claiming the moral high ground, claiming that they have some kind of greater objectivity when it comes to morality. Of course this is complete nonsense. Their system of ethics and morals is based every bit as much as ours on belief - in their case, secularist/atheist religion, in ours, "the faith once for all delivered to the saints".
The judges who have sided with the secularists are utterly deluded and incredibly foolish if they cannot see this. Either that or, if they do realise that this is simply a battle of belief, they are incredibly intolerant and just want their beliefs to triumph whatever the cost to others.
As Christians it is imperative that we keep pointing out that this is all about a battle of beliefs, and that secularism is not a disinterested, objective stance, but a belief system.  It is astonishing that intelligent commentators do not make this point at every opportunity.
As Christians, we must also counter this new intolerance with love. Yes, we can argue our case and try to persuade people that the Christian way is best, but at the end of the day, unless people know the grace of Christ, they will continue to rebel against him, and insult us. Immorality is simply the symptom of the disease, the cure for which is the gospel. We must act with grace and gentleness at all times. There is no place for the language of aggression or for provocative acts (e.g. burning books).
The days are rushing towards us when we will be fined and imprisoned for ordinary Christian belief - and all, of course, in the name of liberal tolerance!

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