Monday, 17 December 2012

Where to look for answers

I was struck this morning by Radio 5's reporting of the service in America following the evil massacre of 20 children and 6 teachers in Newtown.
The reporter was in a bar in Newtown watching coverage of the service on tv with a few residents. Barak Obama had finished his speech and the reporter began to interview two people about it. As they spoke you could clearly hear the service continuing in the background. As these people reflected on recent events and how the community would cope, words of scripture rang out loud and clear from the service. How desperately sad it was that while the only message of genuine hope was sounding out Radio 5 tried to speak over it and drown it out with human ideas of where hope and solace might be found.
In my quiet time this morning I was reading 1 Chronicles 22. David is old, and he's speaking to his son, Solomon, preparing him for all the trials of kingship, and he says, 'Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God.' There is no better advice for anyone in any situation. In joy and sorrow, devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God and you will find all you need for he is the 'Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.'
But the voice of the world will always try to drown out the voice of our Father. This morning, my prayer is that all around the country, people would have listened to the background to that interview and not to the interview itself.

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