Monday 4 May 2009

Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans

The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans in the UK will be launched on 6 July at Westminster Central Hall in London. The FCA is aiming to unite all Anglicans who can, without reservation, affirm a truly Anglican faith, as summarised in the Jerusalem Declaration. This may seem a silly thing to have to do, but sadly, many Anglicans have turned their backs on the faith and are leading others astray especially in the USA and Cananda, though we know only too well that we have senior leaders in the Church of England who undermine the gospel. The refusal of the Archbishop of Canterbury to exercise any discipline over those who promote false teaching and immorality forced many bishops from around the world to convene the GAFCON conference as an alternative to the Lambeth Conference last year.
I'm not without reservations regarding FCA, not least because it's a fellowship of evangelicals and Anglo-catholics. But the Bible and the Anglican church teaches the sufficiency of Christ's death alone to bring us, through faith alone, life in the Kingdom of God. But the Anglo-catholics don't seem to believe this - at least that's what their use of the Mass seems to say. So I shall have to go to the launch event prepared to ask questions about this. I'm not prepared to sign up until I have a satisfactory answer.

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