Friday 29 May 2009

Genesis, John & Governance

This week has been a real mix:

First, I've been studying Genesis, and I've been amazed at how skilfully it's put together, with themes interwoven, developed and only concluded in the New Testament. For example, in chapter 19, the destruction of Sodom, there are many allusions to Noah and the flood.

Then, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I was at an Oak Hill College Council meeting. It's always encouraging to be in a place where young men & women are being trained for a life-long ministry of making disciples. The headaches of difficult governance issues are put into perspective and shown to be really important.

Now today (Friday), I've been preparing some material on John's Gospel for the Diocesan training course for Readers (preachers) and Pastoral Assistants.

Not, perhaps, as varied as a normal week for a vicar, but it's good to be able to spend more time on a few things rather than rushing from one to another.

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