Friday, 8 May 2009

Guidance - part 2

Yesterday's blog was a bit negative, so let's be more positive today!

How does God guide us? Well, first and foremost, through his word, the Bible. That's where he speaks to us and tells us what he wants us to do. And more than anything, he wants us to be holy; "Be holy because I am holy" (1 Peter 3:16). Most people think that this is just a get-out when it comes to specific guidance about making decisions, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The Bible gives us clear guidance about almost every conceivable decision we have to make because every decision is a moral choice, so every decision is about whether we will be holy or unholy.

This means that for every decision we're faced with (whether about a job, or a purchase, or a relationship, or anything else), we must search our hearts, looking for the real reasons that motivate us. If you're a husband, how would your decision stack up against the command to 'love your wife as Christ loved the church, and gave himself up for her'? In other words, is your decision for her well-being and holiness? Or again, are there elements of greed, selfishness, lust, pride and so-on that are driving your decision?

More positively, will the decision build up you and your family in the faith of Christ? Will it help you and them to be more holy? And what about your church family? Will your decision help you to serve and build up them?

If we were to take these sorts of questions seriously, they would guide most of our decisions. But there are times (though fewer than we think) when decisions really are morally neutral, can God guide us then? Yes, I believe he can, but not perhaps in the way we might think. I may be too pragmatic, but surely, if we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, he can give us what someone once called 'sanctified common sense'. We look at the choices. Pray. And make a sensible, wise decision based on our knowledge of the Bible, and trusting in the Spirit's wisdom.

But what if I make a foolish or sinful decision? Have I stepped outside God's will and plan? The answer to that one will have to wait till after the weekend. I could get used to having weekends off!!

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