Saturday 6 June 2009

New Word Alive

"Be changed; be equipped; be encouraged; be still. New Word Alive 2010 promises to be a life-changing event as we encounter God in his word, rejoice in the living Christ, and we are renewed by his Holy Spirit."

Information about New Word Alive arrived in the post today, and it would be great if we could go as a group from St Peter's. The dates are 13 - 18 April (which is during Kent school holidays).

Perhaps a blog-reader would like to be our group organiser...?


  1. Lots of people at St Peters are brilliant corporate prayers, I find it much easier to talk to God on a one to one level. I'm not very good at finding the "right" words and get too tongue tied when I know others are listening,nor am I good at recognising when prayers are answered, probably too much talking and not enough listening so maybe you're right and spending a longer time reading my bible is the answer?


  2. Well, listening & talking, reading & praying, will always be difficult balances to get right. I think I'm the opposite to you - too much reading & not enough praying (or perhaps just not enough praying!) Perhpas in a church family we sort of balance each other out - some of us are the ears, some the mouths, some the hands etc.


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