Monday 15 June 2009

Yesterday I went over to St John's, where Giles was preaching on Acts 4 & 5; the frightening account of Ananias & Sapphira who tried to deceive God and his church by lying about what they were giving. I was particularly struck by Giles' comment that in communism, people wanted others to give them what they had. In the church, people want to give to others what they have. So, for example (and in contrast to Ananias & Sapphira), Barnabas sold a field and brought the proceeds to the apostles to use as they felt best.

But it occurred to me that it's not only communists who want what others have - who prefer to take than to give. We're all like that: we see what others have, and we want it. Jesus, however, though he was rich became poor for our sake. That's our model for generosity, for giving what we have to those who don't have. And it is, as Jesus said, 'more blessed to give than to receive.'

May God give us grace to give willingly, generously and joyfully.

I'm off to Cambridge tomorrow for a few days to do some work at Tyndale House Library on punctuation in P66, so I probably won't be blogging for a few days.

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