Wednesday 21 September 2011

For employers and employees

Just as in 1 Peter we have instructions for servants (not 'slaves' as in the NIV, but house-servants to which the nearest equivalent today is employees) and masters (employers), so Paul says similar things in Ephesians 6:1ff.
Paul's particular emphasis is that both employer and employee should have their eyes on their true Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.
So if you're at work today as an employee, remember that you work not for your human bosses but for your Lord God who sees everything, and knowing that, 'whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord' (v8).
And if you're an employer (or a boss) then you need to treat your workers well and 'stop your threatening' (v9 ESV); there's no place for bullying at work because we all - ee & er alike - have one Master in heaven and 'with him there is no partiality' (v9).

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