Monday 12 September 2011

Sorry, I'm too busy

Our dear friend Gordon L. gave me a book the other day, 'Knowing the Times' by Martin Lloyd-Jones. Gordon realised that these talks were by now far from our 'times' and he included a note, 'It is old history but still, I believe very relevant. Try it & see!' So that's what I've been doing.
The first talk, 'The Presentation of the Gospel', was given to youth workers in 1942. In it, Lloyd-Jones encourages a straight-forward presentation of the gospel by teaching the Bible, and warns against emotional manipulation when presenting the gospel. All very relevant for today - Gordon was right! But here's what really struck me:
You may say to me: Who is sufficient for these things? We have otehr things to do; we are busy men. How can we do this which you have asked us to do? My reply is that none of us is sufficient for thse things, but God can enable us to do them if we are really anxious thus to serve Him. I am not much impressed by these arguments that you are busy men, that you have much to do in the world and therefore have no time to read these books on the Bible and to study theology - and for this good reason: that some of the most saintly, some of the most learned men, have had to work very much harder than any of you, and at the same time have been denied the advantages that you have enjoyed. 'Where there's a will there's a way.' If you and I are concerned about lost souls, we must never plead that we have no time to equip ourselves for this great ministry; we must make the time. We must equip ourselves for the task, realizing the seriousness and terrible responsibility of the work. We must learn, and labour, and sweat, and pray in order that we may know the truth ever more and more perfectly.'
 Who's up for it?

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