Friday 25 September 2009


Why, when, almost without exception, we have so much, is God's work so often limited by lack of money? Why do we find it so hard to live simply, and to enjoy giving sacrificially to the work of the kingdom?

Of course, there are the broad-brush answers about selfishness & sin - and I'm as guilty as the next person. But if we probe a little deeper, why do we feel the need to be selfish? Why, when we want to be generous, are we not?

Perhaps we're afraid of denying our children and spouses what others have, and so being thought of as mean - putting the needs of others before them.

Perhaps it's because, when the needs of gospel organisations are so great, we feel that our little bit won't make any difference, and we just keep hoping that God will send us a very wealthy person who'll be able to write a cheque for £100k and not even notice it's gone!

Perhaps we who teach the Bible simply aren't clear enough in our teaching, and don't lead with a good enough example.

I long for the day when I won't have to worry about income for Christian charities (NB I'm not just talking about St Peter's here!).

1 comment:

  1. “. . .broad-brush answers about selfishness & sin. . .”

    You could add budgeting and prioritising in order to leave the “Benefits Pot” for the really needy.


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