Friday 4 September 2009


This morning, as I ponder the perfect humanity of Jesus, I am brought face-to-face with my own imperfect and defaced humanity. Jesus loves and obeys all the way to the cross; I love and obey so long as it's not too inconvenient or unpleasant. He gives his all, I give what I think is sufficient and no more. His thoughts are centred on his Father - how he can glorify and honour him; my thoughts are on myself and how others think of me.
My humanity is distorted, broken, twisted. But praise God because Jesus' perfect humanity not only comes to my rescue by winning my forgiveness, but also begins to recreate, re-form and straighten me out.
This is one of the great themes of John's gospel: Jesus the Word who made all things in the beginning, comes into the dark and ignorant world to bring the new light of the knowledge of God (John 1), the new birth of the Spirit (John 3), and the water of new life (John 4). He comes to recreate, repair and straighten out people like me - and you, if you'll allow him in.

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