Monday 21 September 2009

People not programmes

Mike T ran a really good Passion for Life session last night, with some very helpful discussion about engaging with the community.

A number of things struck me:
  • salt - Israel was meant to take the gospel to the nations, but failed. In Mat. 5, at the beginning of the Messiah's ministry, they're in danger of being thrown out of the Kingdom all together. No need to get distracted by all the historians' discussions on 1st century uses for salt - the OT always provides a better background!
  • light - Israel was meant to be light to the world, but failed (Is 42:6, 49:6). Now Messiah Jesus has come as 'the light of the world' and we're to imitate him in that respect.
  • building on what I wrote the other day here, it would be easy for us to focus on setting up programmes for outreach. But while there may be a place for these actually what we need to do is build relationships. The best programmes may help in this (e.g. Noah's Ark), but only because people are prepared to share their lives and get involved with others.
  • we all need to work hard at being neighbourly - an old-fashioned word, but a good one. Let's invite neighbours round; make a point of going outside when the neighbours are out and talking to them; share plants; lend tools; have a neighbourhood BBQ; if you have Sky sports, use it to invite friends to watch their team... Shine your light from your home. Be salt in your own street.

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